Friday embryology was "fun." Only like half the class was there. damn 8:30 classes. geneice and i were so bored, i invented a drinking game where we drink every time he says "blast." now like every thing he says is "trophoblast, hypoblast, ectoblast" so instead of drinking (we had no liquor) we just couldn't stop laughing. we need to stop sitting together.
no more mo rocca in physio. instead we have super liberal man discussing the autonomic nervous system. here's what happened:
"What are the two emotions that cause the sympathetic nervous system to activate (the "flight or fight" response)?"
*displays power point slide of george w. bush in flight suit*
"This makes me angry! I'm from the vietnam era and calling patriotism of a veteran into question makes me angry!"
This was followed by Krugman quotes from tuesday's editorial and a rant about how he is not un-american even if he doesn't wear a flag lapel pin. The rant lasted about 3 minutes, followed by:
"so now i'm really angry. i hope you are too!"
*most of the class applauds*
"and now all the republicans are angry! that's the sympathetic nervous system."
he then asked about the other emotion, which was fear, and power point slide chimed in with "4 more years of george w. bush" and added "notice the slide doesn't say re-elected."
i left after physio (skipping enzyme kinetics in biochem - yeah i know that). went home and packed for the retreat. i got a ride with a couple of 3rd years. the driver's wife read star magazine and listened to jessica simpson. yeah... I studied anatomy.
we stayed here:
out in galena: http://www.galena.org
A fun cocktail/poster session. nice dinner. long discussion of program updates. then we all went to one apt and drank/partied. i left at a reasonable hour since we had to be awake for 3.5 hours of science by 8:45. apparently i missed the "spin the bottle" game that happened at 2am.
A long morning of science. I eventually gave up and wrote out the arteries and brachial plexus on my notepad. I had it checked by a second year who gave me quiz questions. so it was productive. then we lunched and everyone left quickly.
we drove through downtown galena. it was kinda fun, but rainy. drove about 2.5 hours, and stopped at ikea. wow, that place needs its own mayor. it was amazing and cheap - i definitely need to get back there.
got home. cleaned a bit. went to steve&shane's cocktail party. saw some family i hadn't seen in 6-7 years. they asked why i don't visit my parents that much lol. *sigh* but it was good to see them. damn that was a nice place. beautiful hardwood floor apt. 3-4 bedrooms and at least 2 bathrooms. probably over 2000 sq ft in a great location. i guess we'll afford that some day. although it was a little much.
finally slept in today. went to anatomy lab to take the practice quiz. i didn't do too bad - even if i wasn't 100% sure on some of them. a lot of the questions are "yes or no" "lateral or medial" "superficial or deep" "A or B" so it helps increase passing chances.
got my groceries. did laundry. etc. i need to start going to bed on time cause not paying full attention in class won't work, especially with histo starting in the early mornings this week.
well i've got plenty more to review.