Lili: What is meth?
Bob: What?
Lili: I saw on TV, the person has meth, and they take it a lot, they are eventually dying
Bob: It's an upper. It stands for methamphetamine. It makes you fast and up and makes you feel like you can do no wrong
Lili: That is like marijuana?
Bob: No, marijuana is a hallucinogen
Lili: Are they similar to heroine?
Bob: No, heroine is a depressant, the opposite.
Lili: Well cause on the TV, I notice it could be a kind of addiciton thing. They advertise they say there is a methresource .org so I assume it's against the meth. I look up in the dictionary but I couldn't find anything about the meth. How do they take it?
Bob: Sometimes it's called crystal meth.
Lili: They just swallow like a tablet?
Bob: Maybe they smoke it. I'm not too familiar.
Lili: It looks terrible for those kids! They have the meth first, and eventually they are like dying.
Bob: Right, you start seeking the drug more than food or anything else, you don't take care of yourself.
Lili: Wow! See, I have never heard about any of these names when I was in China. I know heroine and I know people can get addiction, but there are so many varieties!
Lili: The problem is, all the kids, there is no person or no way they can contact the drug dealer first. The second thing is there is no way they can get it until they become adult.
Bob: They figure out how to get it anyway.
Lili: But the person who sells to children, they will be sued!
Bob: It's illegal for anyone, children or adult, to use it.
Lili: So, can they be sentenced to death if they sell?
Bob: Not really
Lili: Cause if you are carrying more than let's say 50g, no matter if you are dealer or not, that is not good.
Bob: Well, if you just have an amount for personal use, you will go to jail.
Lili: It seems not normal to want to be tox...toxi...
Bob: Intoxicated?
Lili: Right. In China, people are not.
Lili: Is there any drug that can make you healthy...but still feel good?
Bob: Nope
Lili: We should invent!
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