Scott's MD-PhD Adventure

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Mostly Crazy Val

Mom: Scott, if we asked you about a report your dad got from the doctor, would you know about it?
Me: Um, maybe. What is it?
Mom: Well, he got something called a CBC
Me: Right
Mom: In the first row, there's something called a PMN. The second row has something called a PLT
Me: Yes, what is the point of this?
Mom: Well, one of the things is different.
Me: Ok, so he got a complete blood count. What are you asking me? Why are you telling me what's in all of the other rows?
Mom: Fine. In one of the rows is something called an MCV. Do you know what that is?
Me: Why are you asking me this?!? What are you actually asking?
Mom: Well for the MCV it says the normal is 78-100. But your dad's was listed as 101, which is outside the normal range listed.
Dad: That's bad isn't it!?!?
Mom: Is that a bad thing? We don't know what MCV is.
Me: Oh my god. It's fine. You are 1 number outside of the normal range.
Dad: I'm over!
Mom: Well what does it mean?
Me: I think it's Median Cell Volume. They look at your cells and see if you have cancer or something by looking at their average size. If it was like 500 or 5000 then maybe that's bad. 101 instead of 100 is fine.
Mom: So they want to see if there is too much blood in the cells?
Me: No, but sure.
Dad: So I'm fine?
Me: Your cell volume is fine. Ugh.



At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


This from the person who was convinced he had tonsillar lymphoma. Perhaps the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree ;)


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