All schools/states make you take this stupid course so you can be certified to work with radioactive materials in your lab. Of course, everyone just asks the postdocs in their lab "what do i do?" for any questions, and you get told where to throw things away and how to be safe. At the end of this 3 hour lecture, we have to take a quiz, which is open notes - we get to use the power point handout that the guy is reading out loud.
I'm the only one here with a laptop. there's about 12 Asians, 7 Indians, and a handful of white people. So I'm doing work while others look bored/falling asleep. I'll update periodically.
1:30 1 Asian asleep
1:54 2 Asians asleep
1:55 No, 3 Asians alseep! one was behind the pole.
2:00 2/3 Asians woke up. 1 Indian is down though.
2:02 Everyone woke up after a loud "This may be on your quiz!"
2:11 Another Asian is asleep. The Hispanic guy in lab coat looks like he's deciding whether to kill himself or the instructor
2:15 Instructor just explained that "radioactive Iodine will magically go to just the thyroid." Clearly not an MD. It sounded just like Sarah Silverman: "Jesus is magic!"
2:22 "Radiation can cause cancer."
2:23 If you're pregnant, fetal radiation monitors are available!
2:42 "If you sleep with another human being, you expose each other to 0.1 mrem/year. I like to think that's a risk worth taking."
2:50-2:57 break. "refreshments" consist of a box of wafer cookies and diet lime pepsi. A few Asians read the posters on the wall
3:20 Skin decontamination? "remove it with sticky tape." yes that's right. you can take some scotch tape, tape your skin, pull it off, and you're decontaminated. Or you can "sweat it out." It's like Beauty Shop! Syrup on your white sofa? Shout it out!
3:27 Their policy (with an allegedly memorable acronym) ALARA: As Low As Reasonably Achievable!
3:31 2 Asians asleep!
3:37 "You must keep your labs locked so nobody will steal your isotopes. They can make a dirty bomb with some firecrackers and P-32." Right. Someone doesn't want to steal my laptop, after taking my ghetto elevator to the 8th floor. If I don't lock the lab, the terrorists win!
3:46 I realized I'm sitting next to a
professor I've had. He has his sandals off and he's writing lecture notes.
3:54 "We have on the waste containers 'Do not touch! Radioactive!' so that no one touches it. The housekeeping staff knows not to do it. We even have the warnings written in Spanish." This guy is such a Republican.