Colbert has balls!
He spoke at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. Bush was sitting right there listening to every single word. A must see!
Video part 1
Video part 2
Thank him!
He spoke at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. Bush was sitting right there listening to every single word. A must see!
Sadly, this is real. I heard about it during the Bluff the listener game on Wait,Wait.
"Ted Kennedy is so good. Sometimes when I have dreams he gives me advice in them."
So I love eating bagels but I have slight agoraphobia about ordering them because I never know whether my "dozen" is 12 or a baker's dozen of 13. Whenever I say how many of each I want, if I get to 13 sometimes I get "no! you only get 12!" or if i count to 12, I get "and the last one!?!"
NBC let The Office make April Fools Day-related humor activities making fun of those "The More You Know" NBC promos. They're really funny. I recommend "Invite" by Pam.