Scott's MD-PhD Adventure

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


So I love eating bagels but I have slight agoraphobia about ordering them because I never know whether my "dozen" is 12 or a baker's dozen of 13. Whenever I say how many of each I want, if I get to 13 sometimes I get "no! you only get 12!" or if i count to 12, I get "and the last one!?!"

So I developed a foolproof system where I count up to like 10, and then I say "the rest of type ____" and let them count it out to 12 or 13. Today though, this (probably minimum wage) Latino man who had to hang up his phone to count out the bagels to sell to me, he didn't quite count so well. Somehow I ended up with 16 bagels - so much for "foolproof." And so much for Passover. :P


At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov!

You should buy a lottery ticket today.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love the unusual true meaning of agora – marketplace – as the source of your anxiety, in combination with its more common meaning of social situation where you're not in control. :)

At 4:54 PM, Blogger maestro said...

This makes me feel...well...not neurotic.

I thought of you today when I saw this


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