Scott's MD-PhD Adventure

Saturday, October 18, 2008

You betcha I early voted

I early voted today. Since I have until 10/30, and I had to go to lab twice today, I figured I'd swing by the Mabel Manning library for early voting while it's still bike weather.

From the name of it, and the people around outside, the library is smack dab in the middle of an African-American neighborhood. While I was parking my bike, a family was outside of their bumper stickered car taking a group picture after all having voted for Obama.

I go inside, and the two large black women inside ask me to fill out the early voting form and show ID. I get my little card and go vote for Obama and the other Dems. I threw some votes to the Green Party water commissioner candidates (why not?) and skipped all the judge recall ones. I tried to find a sample balloty thing online from ACLU or other LGBT groups, but none were up yet.

When I'm done, an Asian guy pollworker appears out of nowhere "I need your card!" before I could walk over to return it. I wave goodbye to the ladies.
"You know what! On election day you gonna be so glad you don't have to wait in long lines!"
"I know. And I hope I can go canvass for you-know-who in another state!" *wry smile*
"I don't know if I can say his name in here."
"Haha! Ok! I got it!"
"Yes we can. Bye!" *thumbs up*

Outside, another family is getting out of their car, clearly all there to early vote. Someone on the street sarcastically shouts "Go Palin!" at them. "You betcha!" responds the teenage girl, with an overexaggerated wink back. They all laugh.

I love Chicago.


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