Scott's MD-PhD Adventure

Friday, December 07, 2007

Irish Keg

Me: There's going to be an afterparty for the department party, and the host is getting a keg.
Bob: That sounds fun
Lili: Cake?
Me: Keg
Lili: Do you say cake? or kite?
Me: No keg, it's a unit of measurement for beer. It's a giant metal container.
Lili: Oooooh ooooh! That is a lot.
Me: Ha. Yes.
Lili: How do you spell?
Me: K-E-G.
Lili: Why you want that?
Me: Instead of buying like 100 bottles, you can get one giant container and it's cheaper. Plus, the host is Irish so he likes beer.
Lili: Irish...Irish...Cream!



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