Scott's MD-PhD Adventure

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


And we're back to Lili stories. I typed this while it happened...

Bob turns on a CD. Thunder Road starts playing.
Lili: I think there's a lot of misleading between American singer and Asian singer.
Bob: What?
Lili: There is misleading...misunderstanding. The singer, Brandy Spears, she would post for picture when she was pregnant. When some asian people saw the picture, they think all the western people are like this.
Bob: No, they're not all are like that.
Lili: Well, that is the information we get from this. There is dispute whether to put the picture in the subway station. The moms don't want children to see the picture cause they think that's crazy.
Bob: Right, not all Americans are like Britney Spears or Madonna.
Lili: Yes, I know some more American now. They are more optimized than I thought.
Bob: Optimistic?
Lili: Yes. They don't all get divorce. That's why I ask the people if the Sex and the City is real. The Desperate Housewives, my friends in China ask if I live in the country where the people are like that.

Amy comes out...
Amy: Bob, I'd like to ask about [this]. If you're gonna say [this] in the paper, you need to add [this part]. Ergo, another figure.
Amy walks away...

Lili: Ergo is...therefore?
Bob: Yes.
Lili: And people use that?
Bob: No.


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