Scott's MD-PhD Adventure

Monday, November 12, 2007


Today's seminar was by this fabulous woman, Australian by birth but has lived in England for ~30 years. She reminded me of Eddie from AbFab, with her big black boots and large necklace, using the word "fantastic" to describe everything. She also kept referring to "squillions" of dollars, but I've yet to figure out if that means a lot or a little.

"My sister lives on this island between Tasmania and Australia. They have only 2 kinds of animals. This mutton bird, and a giant tiger snake, 4 times the size of a normal snake. And of course it's all black - there are no stripes on it! It's bloody ridiculous!"

"So what is Chicago famous for? What does the city do?"
- "Business?"
"Do you all still build cars?"
- "Um, no, that's Detroit"
"Ah right then! But Chicago is big?"
- "We're the third largest city in America, by population. Los Angeles is obviously the biggest by land size"
"That's right isn't it? You know, I've been to Los Angeles, but I never really found it. Know what I mean?"


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