Scott's MD-PhD Adventure

Friday, March 04, 2005

I'm gonna need to take that banana please

I had my 3-hour 150-question cumulative anatomy final exam today. Rather than the normal testing people, this one was run by the medical education office. Well they apparently don't mess around. With a test from 9am-noon, I was concerned I might get hungry and/or thirsty. So I had my pencils, ID, a bottle of water, and a banana. Ten minutes into the exam, one of the proctors approached me from behind, tapped me, and said "Excuse me, I'm gonna need to take that banana please." When I looked shocked (whether from being interrupted or that they would actually need it) he repeated "please give me the banana" and motioned with his hand. So I did. I got it back at the end of the test, where it was sitting at the front of the room.

How the hell would someone cheat with a banana? Could I write the answers on the outside? hide them inside the peel? The whole thing was ridiculous. We also had to be escorted if we needed to use the restroom. The escorts apparently went inside the restroom! One more step and they would have checked to make sure I didn't write anything on my penis to look at while I peed. Which isn't a bad idea, but by the time I wrote anything on my penis, I think I would commit it to memory.


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