Obama links
A few people have asked why I'm voting for Obama. Or passive aggressively insinuated I don't have a good reason. So, here are a collection of things I've read, mostly for me to refer back to and copy/paste to others later. (and to be updated whenever I get around to it)
Original Sullivan piece in the Atlantic
Sullivan post-Super Tuesday analysis
The Nation
WSJ Editorial from The Ladies
Obama doesn't take lobbyist money, has no lobbyists working for campaign.
Obama actually leads pledged delegates.
You may be surprised, but I read your blog all the time on my RSS reader :).
Re: your last link, "Obama actually leads pledged delegates," the article's comments suggest that the final tally does not include Michigan OR Florida.
Regardless of my position on the two candidates (I'm really quite torn), I have to point out that because some bureaucrats disagree, my vote didn't count for the primary, and neither Clint NOR Obama has fought for me in that respect.
PS -- Have you seen Florida's "Marriage Protection Amendment" for November's ballot? Many speculate it will have the same affect that the Michigan one did that was recently passed. It makes me want to revive some GatorGSA-style activism that this campus is still sorely lacking.
The problem is that most Obama-bashers have convinced themselves that he is simply a media darling, and most things in the press are biased pro-Obama and anti-Hillary. I won't claim that the media is completely fair, but these people will automatically dismiss almost anything they read that says good things about Obama as being "biased".
Re: Michigan and Florida... Obama (and Edwards) weren't even on the ballot in Michigan. There is no way it's fair to play a switcheroo and suddenly grant delegates for that state. Florida is a bit different, as at least the major players were all on the ballot there. However, Hillary (in my opinion) violated the spirit (if not the letter) of her agreement not to campaign there by going to FL for fund-raising and hob-nobbing right before the primary. Her people argue, of course, that Obama ran a commercial there. But it was a national commercial. . . Florida is still part of the nation (which I sometimes think is unfortunate. . . no offense. . .but to quote Wanda Sykes from 2000 "Fuck Florida! Just lop it right off").
But to be serious, it's unfortunate that the voters in FL and MI were not able to have a say in the process. Until this year, IL had a late primary and the nominee was inevitably decided already by the time I got to vote on it. This is the first time I've been able to cast a primary vote that mattered.
I didn't know FL had a "Marriage Protection Amendment" coming up. It's disgusting, but not surprising. That sort of gay-baiting worked so well for Republicans before, why not try it again?
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