Scott's MD-PhD Adventure

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Who is my baby's daddy?

We're breeding mice at lab. When you have 2nd generation from Mendelian heterozygous mice, you should get 25% of one homozygous mouse, 25% of the other homozygous, and 50% still heterozygous (high school biology!). Except, somehow we only got like 3 mice out of 58 babies with the gene we wanted. 3/58 is so not 25%!

Lili and I went to go check on the parents today, but the woman in charge of our breeding was out today. In one cage, there were at least 4 parent mice, and at least 10 young "teenage" mice. Something isn't right. So the only person there was a black woman. Lili tried to explain the problem to her: "Hi, we are looking for F1 parent mouse, but babies mixed in! how do i know what parents!"

The woman kinda understood, but not really. So I stepped in: "Listen, I feel like we're on Maury, and we need to find out who the babydaddy is but there are too many chil-ren running round up in this cage!"

She laughed. A lot. And we're working on figuring out the mystery.


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