Around the corner from the pawn shop is an Italian restaurant.
Apparently old friends have gathered there since 1967

Except, they clearly don't know the difference between where and we're. For some reason Americans have trouble with homophones. Maybe it's because our leaders like Mark Foley don't set a good example with the incorrect use of to/too:
Maf54 (7:48:00 PM): did you spank it this weekend yourself
Xxxxxxxxx (7:48:04 PM): no
Xxxxxxxxx (7:48:16 PM): been too tired and too busy
Maf54 (7:48:33 PM): wow...
Maf54 (7:48:34 PM): i am never to busy haha
You would think as a homo he would know about homophones!
It's (its) particularly funny that the kid gets it right (write) and then (than) the elected representative gets it wrong.
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