Scott's MD-PhD Adventure

Saturday, August 05, 2006

This taste is...different

Like all labs, we have a chinese postdoc. Lili had mentioned last week that she had never had a root beer float, having only been in America a few years. On Friday, her root beer float cherry was popped. After taking her first sip, a very frightened face was followed by "This taste is...very different." Like all Asian people, she doesn't like things "too sweet."

She also shared the story about buying milk in december after she moved here. She apparently bought egg nog, thinking that is the milk you're supposed to buy at that time of year. "I put it on my cereal; it was not good. What do you do with it?"

All I could think was how happy I am that I don't have to eat shrimp cookie.


At 10:20 PM, Blogger maestro said...

the milk here is all in cartons and it is not fresh or kept in the refrigerator. It´s also a bit strange but the shrimp cookie did gross me out a bit, I have to admit.


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